Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Being Thankful...

First of All,

Happy Thanksgiving!! :) Psalm 100:4 says, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."

During this season our thoughts should be on God. Mom was talking to one of the workers (working at my neighbors house) yesterday, she asked him what he was doing for Thanksgiving. He mentioned that his family was having turkey and celebrating the fall season. He didn't mention anything about the real reason we celebrate Thanksgiving - the Pilgrims and our thankfulness to God.

Funny how this culture has gradually gotten rid of the the "Pilgrims" and "Thankfulness to God." Though I do hesitate to say funny - it is actually more depressing than funny.

The children in the schools are now being taught about scare-crows or pumpkins and fall things, but nothing referring back to the Creator of this whole plan.

The One who had in plan that the Pilgrims would move from the comfort of their homes and come to "The New World." Many of who in the effort to leave were either, separated from their families or deceived by the captains of their ships and given in to the English Church.

Without the pilgrims separating from the church of England and being brave enough to come to a world where they would face new problems and turmoils, we wouldn't be here!!!

So, let's try to be thankful for all the Lord has done and to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ...

Psalm 69:30 says, "I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving."

Psalm 95:2 says, "Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song."

~ s. jane

Monday, November 24, 2008

Construction on the house! (part 5) - Landscaping and Walkways

Our new walkway up to the house!
Landscaping in the front yard

more landscaping....

The Shed
A view from the side of the yard to the backyard.

The shed one more time.... :D

~s. jane

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Construction on the house! (part 4) - Landscaping

Mr. Spradling and his men put in grass and plants for us! More pictures of the greenery to come... :)

~s. jane

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Baby Is Born!

Lucy's baby was born last night about 9:30 PM, at the hospital in New Braunfels. Cody and Lucy went in for their regular check-up yesterday morning and stayed to have the baby last evening. The boy's name is Chandler Welch Carnett!! He weighed in at 8 lbs. 1 oz. Mr. and Mrs. Welch, Cody and Lucy and the Mike Carnett family are grateful for your prayers and ask you to continue to pray for Lucy as she recovers from the birth.

~Praise the Lord! :)
-- s. jane

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Construction on the house! (part 3)

The Beautiful Tile Work!! :)

~s. jane

Monday, November 3, 2008

Construction on the house! (part 2)

We put up new boards so that it would block the road noise a little bit.

The shed was the first project that our worker did for us.

Sam and I coated all of the ceiling wood with kilz! It got really fun, after we figured out the secret to "painting" fast! (extra sibling bonding I guess).

The wood pile/trash pile that grew and grew

Installing fans, a needed accessory in TX!

Excellent brick work done by our worker, Martin and unloaded by John, Sam and I! I think we unloaded in total about 3,000 bricks....something like that.

The tile before we put it in the porch.

We put in tile flooring outside. This pattern was Dad's idea. Way to go dad! (More pictures of tile to come. :D )
~s. jane