Wednesday, December 30, 2009

End of the Year

Ok, so I decided to say something before this year ended... just so no one kills me :P I don't really have any photos since I am not on my user, so you will just have to read my boring reflections of the year... and my thoughts. mwahah...

Wow... 2009.... This year has been huge in my life. I guess I'll do a recap of what happened all year. *crowd groans* Sorry guys, if you're following by blog no excuse for you, but if you aren't... just sit through this and hate me later. :)


I got back into taking piano lessons..the AWESOMEST thing in life... YES... better than debate :O :D

John turned 20!

Went to the film festival and totally enjoyed it

MASTERS conference in TX! :)


Nothing too exciting here, but life went on


We started a consitution class at FEAST for some crazy reaason :P

Enrolled for Dual Credits... yeah, I still haven't forgiven whoever told Mom that"it is an excellent idea to make your children work their tails off and *maybe* get a final grade WAYY later in the year"


San Antonio Qualifier!!!!.. we almost didn't go cuz our car broke down and we were stuck in the middle of no where


Dad and John went to New Zealand and I got to work on dad's mac for a WHOLE WEEK! :P

Went to a random track and field meet and killed myself



John graduated from college

I went to Missouri for a week.. random fact there for ya :)

Sam had his knee examined - he hurt it skiing


Mom's bday :)

Erin and Josh's wedding shower at the Clarks


Surprise bday party for Zack

Free sandwich day at Chick-fil-a and dancing til midnight in the new store :P

Helped the Jaax move out of their house :/


Caleb and Lauren's Wedding!!! yay :D

Cross Country starts

Father/Son retreat in Colorado... Mom and I went to a YMCA there.. and sadly.. yes i admit to it.. I drove illegally and got the car stuck :P Don't even start on that with me..


Erin and Josh's Wedding!


More classes start for the semester.. ugh.. no more needs to be said

Eric and Hannah's Wedding!


More cross country

And apparently, we went to Houston.. I have no idea why.. yeah, I don't remember :)


We left HCC and went to ACTION for debate

Dad's Birthday!

Had Thanksgiving with the Clarks and Bairds


Frisco RR

Brenham RR

Macias' Christmas Party

Christmas Day! :)


Anyway, this year was pretty amazing. I've had my ups and downs, but the fun stuff totally over-ruled the unhappy stuff. With God, family, and friends... it really helps.. a ton :)

God Bless...


Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Dad is a Thanksgiving baby. Since I'm not a Mom, I can't say for fact if that would be a blessing or not so much. But from a kids perspective, I think a baby would be a great thing to be thankful for even during a busy holiday. :) Yesterday during Thanksgiving, we played a game where we wrote down different things we were thankful for and then put them into a plate, after that we took all of them and tried to guess and see who wrote what. It was a great game to see all the different things people really were grateful for, though I think some people decided to copy me or something, because there were 3 other people who "were thankful for Mac or Apple computers" and "Salvation" or something along those lines. :D Besides that, everyone had many different ones. We had a blast.

Dad really has been the role model for our family of what Christ would do for his church. Dad is a servant to those in need, he leads us in *exciting* Bible studies every morning, he gets his work done promptly, he hardly ever complains about anything, he is a strong man of integrity and most of all he loves the Lord and his family. He is all I could ask for or ever dream of wanting. I love you Dad!

~ sarah k.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Random Post

I like you and I know why.
I like you because you are a good person to like.

I like you because when I tell you something special, you know it’s special
And you remember it a long, long time.
You say, Remember when you told me something special
And both of us remember

When I think something is important
you think it’s important too
We have good ideas

When I say something funny, you laugh
I think I’m funny and you think I’m funny too

I like you because you know where I’m ticklish
And you don’t tickle me there except just a little tiny bit sometimes
But if you do, then I know where to tickle you too

You know how to be silly
That’s why I like you
Boy are you ever silly
I never met anybody sillier than me till I met you

I like you because you know when it’s time to stop being silly
Maybe day after tomorrow
Maybe never
Too late, it’s a quarter past silly

Sometimes we don’t say a word

We snurkle under fences
We spy secret places

If I am a goofus on the roofus hollering my head off
You are one too

If I pretend I am drowning, you pretend you are saving me

If I am getting ready to pop a paper bag,
then you are getting ready to jump


That’s because you really like me
You really like me, don’t you
And I really like you back
And you like me back and I like you back
And that’s the way we keep on going every day

If you go away, then I go away too
or if I stay home, you send me a postcard
You don’t just say Well see you around sometime, bye
I like you a lot because of that
If I go away, I send you a postcard too

And I like you because if we go away together
And if we are in Grand Central Station
And if I get lost
Then you are the one that is yelling for me

And I like you because when I am feeling sad
You don’t always cheer me up right away
Sometimes it is better to be sad
You can’t stand the others being so googly and gaggly every single minute
You want to think about things
It takes time

I like you because if I am mad at you
Then you are mad at me too
It’s awful when the other person isn’t
They are so nice and hoo-hoo you could just about punch them in the nose

I like you because if I think I am going to throw up
then you are really sorry
You don’t just pretend you are busy looking at the birdies and all that
You say, maybe it was something you ate
You say, the same thing happened to me one time
And the same thing did

If you find two four-leaf clovers, you give me one
If I find four, I give you two
If we only find three, we keep on looking
Sometimes we have good luck, and sometimes we don’t

If I break my arm, and if you break your arm too
Then it’s fun to have a broken arm
I tell you about mine, you tell me about yours
We are both sorry
We write our names and draw pictures
We show everybody and they wish they had a broken arm too

I like you because I don’t know why but
Everything that happens is nicer with you
I can’t remember when I didn’t like you
It must have been lonesome then
I like you because because because
I forget why I like you but I do
So many reasons

On the 4th of July I like you because it’s the 4th of July
On the fifth of July, I like you too
If you and I had some drums and some horns and some horses
If we had some hats and some flags and some fire engines
We could be a HOLIDAY
We could be a CELEBRATION
We could be a WHOLE PARADE

See what I mean?

Even if it was the 999th of July
Even if it was August
Even if it was way down at the bottom of November
Even if it was no place particular in January
I would go on choosing you

And you would go on choosing me
Over and over again

That’s how it would happen every time
I don’t know why
I guess I don’t know why I really like you

Why do I like you

I guess I just like you

I guess I just like you because I like you.

-Sandol Stoddard Warburg

This was on someone's blog so I thought I would post it for some reason, don't ask why.

~sarah k.

Saturday, November 7, 2009



Sorry that I haven't posted in a long time! Life seems to get busier and busier. As soon as I get time, I promise to post about our cross country season, speech and debate and any other thing I have been up to! :D

God Bless...
~sarah k.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Officer Elections!!

Officers for HCC 2009-2010!! This year is going to be awesome!!! :)

President: Aaron Macias

VP: John Ryan Mack

Secretary: Sarah Dana

Treasurer: Conner Liberto

Evidence Ring Master: Samuel Dana

Librarian: Mary Miller

Sergeant at Arms: Doreann Sommers

Photographers: Grace Macias, Jacqueline Clark, and Samuel Dana

Cinematography: Leah Macias

Communication Specialist/Webmaster: Isaac Sommers

Jr. Leader: Sarah Mack, Jacqueline Clark, Mrs. Tedder

Apologetics Leader: Leah Macias

Community Platform Organizer: Mary Miller

~sarah k.

Monday, October 5, 2009

10 Top Questions asked of Homeschoolers...

Top 10 Questions asked of homeschoolers...

10. Do you have gym class? If you say yes, people look disappointed. If you say no, they tell you it’s not fair.

9. So, are you, like, a superfreaky genius employed by the government to stop terrorist attacks? Um, yeah... in the flesh!

8. So, do you get to do whatever you want all day? I don’t think so……

7. Who teaches you? The answer to this is “my mom”, which prompts the following question:

6. Did she, like, have to go to college to be a teacher?

5. Do you have to have a hall pass to go to the bathroom? This one always makes me laugh.

4. Does your mom make you read like a hundred books a day? This can be grouped with the 'do you have to' questions, such as “do you have to do chores?” or “do you have to practice your (insert instrument here) every day?” Of course! I am a slave... what do you think? No! :D

3. So, your school has the day off today? This drives me nuts.

2. Do you get to do school in your pajamas? This is easily one of the most-asked questions ever. (duh. that’s why it’s number two on my list.) I don’t totally understand this question, but I find it extremely amusing. Why do regular kids have such a fascination with our sleepwear?

1. Do you have any friends? I always say, “No, I’m destitute.” This has gotten me a LOT of weird looks. Usually people either sort of smile like they’re not sure if I’m serious and then find an excuse to leave. Anyone who laughs is instantly my friend. So far I think my band teacher is the only one who immediately understood that I was joking, which is sort of sad when you think about it. Is school to kids only a place to meet friends? Don’t they have neighbors, or friends at church, or something?

~sarah k.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gabbie's Birthday Party-- a couple months late

Happy Birthday Gabbie... :D

Praying over Gabbie...

Blowing out the candles...

Tan jellybeans... :)Sometime during the beginning of dessert someone said, the light jellybeans are the non-tan ones and the dark jellybeans are the tan ones... so, here are the not so tan jellybeans in the front and the tan in the back... :D

~sarah k.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Two Quizzes...

Do you like to write?


What genre?

Fantasy, Classic, Historical Fiction, Mystery

Favorite books?

Sherlock Holmes, Chronicles of Narnia, Deception, Deadline, Dominion

Do you compose music/write songs?

No. I just play them… I don’t do well writing songs 

Do you like poetry?

Not at all

Love someone so much who made you cry?

Um, weird question…

Broken a bone?

Been in a police car?

Been on a boat?

Fallen asleep in school?

Who did you last yell at?
I don’t really yell.. so, idk

Did you sing today?


KFC, Popeyes, or Church's?

Idk, never been to them

Chick-fil-a or What-a-burger?

Chick-fila-a all the way baby!

Starbucks of McCafe?


What's your favorite time of year?

Winter, definitely

Do you ever talk to yourself?

Yes, all the time!..wait, I don’t think I should be happy about that.. :P

Do you have a favorite treat you like to buy on occasion?

Nothing is coming to mind, I don’t really go out and buy myself treats

Do you believe the Bible is the literal Word of God and is infallible?

If by literal, you mean that it literally is God's word, yes. It is also infallible as it was inspired by God.

What's your favorite sport?

Not sure

What color is your ipod?

Silver, I should try coloring it with crayons and see if it turns out a different color :D


If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Maybe Australia or France… right now I am content where I am

If you could go to any fictional place, where would you go?

Cair Paravel

Do you love to write or do you just like writing? Or do you write at all?

Really depends on how I feel…

What do you want to be when you’re a grown up?

Professional pianist or physical therapist

Favorite animal?

Favorite song?

IDK! That question is like asking sibling in your family you like best! … unfair question :P
Do you like school?
Yeah, I don’t love it… but yeah

Are you a people person because I’m getting the idea that you are?

Not at all

Do you like to talk?

No, chatting is a different story though

Favorite food?



piano, running, debate, basically everything it has always been since I was 7 

Favorite author?

Arthur Conan Doyle, Randy Alcorn and Frank Peretti

Favorite weapon?

um, I try to stay away from sharp objects, just in case… I can’t be trusted with them :D

Is this a fun tag or are you getting bored?

Kinda boring, but I don’t have anything else to do… so why not

Do you like Hannah Montana and all those girly people and movies like Highschool Musical?

What are you scared of?

Spiders and tight places, also known as caves 
Favorite flower?

Purple Lady Slipper

Do you always use the same password or do you use different ones?

If I told you, I’d have to kill you… 

What is the expression on your face?

A slightly dazed one, due to the light that the computer screen is emitting from the computer

Color of your eyes?

Brown :)

~sarah k.

Funny pictures that made me laugh for the day :)

Have a great day! :)
~sarah k.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Slogan: "Eatin' good in the neighborhood."
More accurate slogan: "The only place in the neighborhood."
Logo: Giant apple.
What it has going for it: If you ever wanted to know what it's like to live in the middle of a flea market, here's your chance. This chain's painstakingly "random" array of memorabilia, posters, metal signs, old records, autographed photos of B-list actors, and faux vintage decor may give you an eerie sense of deja vu but will keep the conversation rolling when you and your friends have run out of things to talk about by hour four.

Slogan: "Pepper in some fun."
More accurate slogan: "Pepper in some indigestion."
Logo: Giant chili.
What it has going for it: It never gets old singing "I want my baby back, baby back, baby back ribs!" to your waiter, and then saying, "Nevermind. I'll just have a Coke and a water."

The Olive Garden
Slogan: "When you're here, you're family."
More accurate slogan: "When you're here, you're too full to talk to your family."
Logo: Giant grapes.
What it has going for it: If you can get past this questionable commercial to the endless salad and breadsticks, you are in for a ride on the gluttony train! Wear a coat with deep pockets and you won't have to eat cafeteria food all week.

Waffle House
Slogan: Does it need one?
Logo: Are those Scrabble tiles?
What it has going for it: Forget Burger King, the Casa de Waffles is where you can really have it your way: scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, peppered, capped, and topped. Compete with your friends to see who can say all of that three times fastest.

I'm not saying any of these are my favorite restaurants... I just found this on the internet! :)

What's your favorite chain restaurant?

~sarah k.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pictures of the Wedding Party!

Hannah and Eric, you guys are also on my cute couple list!! This must be the year for cute couples or something... first Lauren and Caleb, then Erin and Josh and now Hannah and Eric!! :D I hope you guys have an awesome marriage and always rely on the Lord for everything.... God bless you. :)

Sadly enough, my camera died right before the wedding, so I only have pictures before hand. If you would like to see any pictures that were during the wedding.. (especially the kiss :P) go to ! :D

(picture from Grace Macias) My bro...

Groomsmen.... tons of 'em

....oh yeah....

(picture from Grace Macias)

Mom and Daughter....

One half.....

... The other half
~sarah k.

Decorations at Eric and Hannah's Wedding

Here are the awesome decorations at their wedding... sorry there are so many, they were just so much fun to take pictures of! :)

These bows required a ton of work.... Grace working + Me watching = oh yeah :P. jk, I did help out :)

Grace... my camera partner in crime? nah... doesn't really rhyme that well.

Shaded effect... :D

Cake! :D Nicely decorated by Amiee..

~sarah k.