Sunday, July 26, 2009

A post! :D... Trip to Missouri

My mom, brother and I went to Missouri to clean out my Grandparent's house. While we were there we decided to go canoeing down the river in Akers Ferry, MO. 6 of the 7 kids (in my mom's family) came to Missouri, but only 4 came on the float trip + 2 cousins...

Our Canoes...

The bus

Getting the paddles and life jackets, two of the most important things... even if you don't use the life jackets for perserving your life.. we used them for cushions in the kayaks and canoes and also for floating down water falls and currents... :D

The place where we started on the 18 mile trip...

My cousin Garrett
The whole group...
Mom!! :)


The little trouble maker... :P


Uncle Tommy and Cousin Justin...

Lunch Break anyone?...

Life jackets as cushions :D

Uncle Peter....

Thinking up how to get each other back... aka REVENGE!!

Water fight....
Justin and Uncle Baby John were completely soaked by the time this fight ended!!

Uncle Baby John...

Here comes trouble...

The whole group... minus me, guess i'll edit myself in later :D

~sarah k.