Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rehearsal Dinner - Decorations

Mom, John, Sam and I went out early to Caleb and Lauren's Wedding Rehearsal Dinner to help make the food for dinner, organize things, put up lights, decorate and other stuff.... The decorations were WAY too cute so I couldn't resist taking a million pictures of them! :D I promise I will post some pictures of the people who were there, I just thought the decorations were awesome! Great job everyone who helped make it look so pretty....

A couple girls and I had fun putting little badges that said 'Fire Chief' on the vases :)

The beautiful arrangement of flowers done by my Mother and Aunt Carole! They put them all around the stage where the wedding party sat.
.....The beginning of all the CUTE toy cars and trucks!!.........

My personal favorite!!! :D

Every table had one of these hats on them, but they weren't just decoration... We turned them over and put chips in them!! It was so much fun :)

~sarah k.

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