Thursday, October 8, 2009

Officer Elections!!

Officers for HCC 2009-2010!! This year is going to be awesome!!! :)

President: Aaron Macias

VP: John Ryan Mack

Secretary: Sarah Dana

Treasurer: Conner Liberto

Evidence Ring Master: Samuel Dana

Librarian: Mary Miller

Sergeant at Arms: Doreann Sommers

Photographers: Grace Macias, Jacqueline Clark, and Samuel Dana

Cinematography: Leah Macias

Communication Specialist/Webmaster: Isaac Sommers

Jr. Leader: Sarah Mack, Jacqueline Clark, Mrs. Tedder

Apologetics Leader: Leah Macias

Community Platform Organizer: Mary Miller

~sarah k.

1 comment:

  1. We have pretty awesome officers! I like your music on your blog ;) Love you <3
